Personal growth requires movement.

Heal Your Inner Child Bundle

Training bundles for those who want to heal.

We all experience things as children that shape how we are as adults. If  you feel as though you're always "wrong" or "bad," there is a good chance that your inner child could use some healing. These selected trainings set you up on your healing journey. 

Are you tired of having to be tough all the time?
Are you numbing out and missing out on the richness of life?
Do you just want to be happy already?

You’ve heard about it on the internet... Healing your inner child.

But what does that actually mean?!

Come learn about it, why it's important, why your child got wounded in the first place and how to create a healing relationship with this part of you. You’ll also get great tips for healing and supporting your outer children. This teaching bundle gives you six hours of support for the cost of three.

Get after it, your little inner kiddo cuties await you. (And yes, this DOES matter for the adult you.)

You have more feelings to feel and release.

Connecting to and supporting your inner dismembered or shunned kid parts is a crucial part of healing. These workshops will teach you ways to integrate a healing relationship with this part of you that creates the foundation of an inner wholeness, a better fitting life, and the capacity for deep inner healing.

Healing takes time and effort and as we bring our inner children’s needs to the forefront of our lives, adulting can feel incredibly hard. Having strategies for balancing your healing work with the demands of your life, as well as ways to shape your adult life so your inner children can thrive! Come see how foundational this work is.

If you are wanting to move forward in your healing journey, first look to your inner child. Not sure how? That's ok! I guide you through the process in this collection of Inner Child Workshops.

The Heal Your Inner Child is the bundle for you!

When you purchase this bundle, you get INSTANT access to SIX of Rachel's trainings on all things "inner child." Workshops include:

  • Attachment Theory and Core Wounds
  • How to heal Inner Child Wounds
  • How to heal Imposter Syndrome
  • Adulting with your Inner Child
  • Parenting workshop
  • Navigating wants versus Shoulds

Each of these hour long trainings give you deep insight on the topics and give practical tips/action steps to help you continue to move through your healing journey. 

If you are ready to tap into your feelings and experience the dynamic nature of life, you're invited to deepen (or begin) your healing journey with these trainings. 


What are the benefits of joining the Feelings Movement?

Healing doesn’t happen in isolation. If your life until this point hasn’t had the support you would’ve liked on your journey, the Feelings Movement is that support. You may have been shamed for wanting to seek out help for whatever it is you’re going through, and the people around you may not understand the need for this work. When you’re highly connected with others who are doing this work alongside you, you create a new “normal” for yourself.

These prerecorded bundles make it incredibly convenient and accessible to anyone who wants to participate. You get the expertise and knowledge of a licensed therapist without the price tag of ongoing 1:1 sessions.

If you ever desire more support on your journey, you can join the membership that has two monthly calls for members to speak with Rachel and share in community. Find more information here.

Why is feeling your feelings so important? How can it possibly help me?

 Just as physical constipation can cause discomfort, tension, and pain in the body, so can being emotionally constipated. If you’ve been so used to pushing down your feelings, you likely don’t even realize how much emotional weight you’re carrying around with you every single day.

It’s usually when you begin feeling those hard emotions, releasing your emotional constipation, and allowing yourself to take a big emotional poop that you start noticing the difference. When you feel this difference, you'll be on your way to a completely different experience of life.

Should I join the membership or purchase the bundle?

Both the bundle options and the membership are beneficial. If you are looking to start somewhere/on your own self-guided journey, the bundles are perfect. If you are looking for more community and real-time support from Rachel, the membership is the place for you.

Only you know the answer to which suits your needs better. I’ll say if you’re reading this, you likely are feeling that there is something here for you. It’s only $167 to give it a try for a full month. This is significantly less than a 1:1 session with a therapist.

Ask yourself this: Is it worth it to you at this point in your life to give yourself the opportunity to experience something new in your healing journey? If so, find out what the Feelings Movement is all about! Purchase the bundle on any of the buttons on this page. If you are looking for membership information, please click HERE

Rachel Kaplan is a licensed psychotherapist practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area for almost two decades. She offers one-off sessions booked via her website, or ongoing therapy to clients on an application basis.  MFT License #49838.



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