Personal growth requires movement.

Access the Complete Catalog of Rachel's Trainings

Are you tired of having to be tough all the time?
Are you numbing out and missing out on the richness of life?
Do you just want to be happy already?

Then it’s time to learn how to feel your feelings!

This membership will guide you through the two-wing process of reintegrating your wounded parts and learning how to clear out the backlog of pain these wounded parts are carrying.

Let me be clear: Only having your emotions isn’t the solution to everything. It won't solve all the external problems of the world. But it does give you a better chance to face your problems with strength, resilience, and self-trust.

Almost everyone has emotional wounds. The sheer experience of being raised by humans creates emotional wounds. Not only that, the residue from our past can linger in our systems for decades after initial incidents or traumatic relationships.

You may think you have healed these wounds. You may have even put a lot of work into your healing. But there are often more layers to go.
You have more feelings to feel and release.

Discovering and releasing your feelings will keep your system less backlogged, less repressed, and therefore less reactive. You’ll feel more like your best and most authentic self. You’ll create a life that actually suits you.

Improving our ability to face and release our emotions can also give us more empathy for others and help improve our relationships.

It’s not about healing so you can become some fake, smiling robot all the time; it’s about becoming emotionally resilient.

Emotional resilience is the New Happy. If you are strong enough to have emotional resilience, you can bet that you will be happy (i.e., content) most of the time.

 When you aren’t happy, you’ll know exactly how to support yourself and recover.

That is what you get through these trainings!

lf you’re trying to heal the core, internalized belief in your bones that there’s something wrong with you or you’re not enough, you need to do a lot of proactive, intentional, emotional release work.

The truth is that most people are emotionally constipated. They're clenching down and holding on to hurt instead of processing their pain.

This means that healing requires finding, collecting, and integrating the parts of you that are experiencing discomfort and then releasing these parts -- one emotional release session at a time -- which means letting go of that backlog of probably decades of unresolved issues.

During your work, you’re going to experience more pain than you had before when you were repressing or distracting yourself from deeply feeling.

Healing alone like this can be incredibly scary.

The Feelings Movement is a safe place to do this healing in a supportive environment, so you can go from being in the emotional shitter to a strong, resilient, and stable place. This is where you get to be fully human, with all the emotions that come with being truly alive, and with all of your tender parts integrated into your whole authentic self.

Here’s what you get when you put yourself first by opting in and purchasing the complete catalog:

✨Over 25 hours of trainings on specific topics!

✨Access to the entire workshop library outlining Rachel's processes for healing

✨The ability to lead yourself through your healing journey and the opportunity to book single sessions with Rachel if you ever need additional support.

✨All access for only $497!

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